
Shree Someshwar education trust (SSET) is a research-based NGO working for Climate change since 1993 with main focus area of rain water management.
We are a partner NGO of united nations in achieving 17 global goals for Sustainable development (SDGS). Our works and experience in the field of Rain water
management is recognized internationally and we represented Our nation on various global water forums i.e. global water partnership, Wetlands international, international union for conservation of nature (IUCN),
International water association (IWA) and many more.
we researched & experimented effects of organic farming on ground Water recharge of aquifers, which helped us in convincing many farmers (More than 3600
farmers) of Gujarat to opt for organic farming under Shree Someshwar education trust – Surat, Gujarat, India.
Planning, Consulting, Coordinating, Project development, Project execution, and monitoring of NRWM Program globally.
We Shree Someshwar Education Trust can develop all above suggested structures in the region with non-profit motive.
- Social Responsibility
- The Region with non-profit motive
- Contamination Free Water Recharge